Flicking through the cable channels, I came across this show that was talking about adultery. As I stayed on it for a while I was amazed that the featured guest was the wife and her husband’s other woman.
Naturally the wife and the other woman traded barbs until the conversation slowly turned into a violent fight.
What is more amazing is that the studio audience and the host seem to encourage this.
As the host called for break, the name of the show was flashed on the screen. It was the Jerry Springer show.
Recently as I was hopping from blog to blog. Guess what I come across. Similar fights as heated as in the Jerry Springer show.
Adobe blogger vs Microsoft blogger:
And the latest, Jason Calanis versus SEO practitioners:
No wonder TV viewership is declining!!!
Friday, February 09, 2007
I Love the Blogosphere
Posted by
9:13 PM
Maximize Revenue with High Paying Keywords
One of the technique you can do to maximize your revenue with Adsense is to use high paying keywords as much as possible.
But what are the high paying keywords.
You can check out http://article.partybacolod.com/ to get an idea.
You might also find interesting articles as you pay the site a visit.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Monday, February 05, 2007
More on the Correlation of Traffic and Adsense Revenue
I made an earlier post about the correlation of traffic and Adsense revenue and I noticed that many visitors have found this blog because of that article.
Like everybody who has just signed up with Adsense, they are probably looking for information to gauge the importance of traffic to be able to monetize Adsense.
Here are further evidences that state that high traffic is very important (This data was taken from the July 2006 article of the Washington Post:
PodcastDirectory.com – Nearly One Million Hits a month - $30,000 to $40,000/Month
SeatGuru.com – 700,000 a month - $10,000 to $20,000/Month
Posted by
8:40 PM
How to Get Ideas from Forums to Write Your Next Blog Post
One way to find ideas for writing your next post is to visit forums.
As you visit forums look for fellow forum members that are raising questions.
If you are knowledgeable about the question he or she is raising, rather that answer them directly make an extensive post on your blog.
Then tell the forum member that you have a post that answers their question. Then provide the link of your blog entry to them.
This will also help drive traffic to your blog.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Types of Blog that Gets the Most Comments
Comments can be a good measure for determining a blog’s activity. It can also be used to judge how engaging the author’s post are.
On my observation certain blogs tend to attract the most comments.
Personal Blogs – People tend to comment on personal blogs especially when they are relating something about themselves or something that happened to them.
I guess the reason for this is that on certain instances we could identify with the author and we want to share our own experience or thoughts.
Controversial Blogs – When a blogger writes about something controversial and it touches us deep, many of us are compelled to answer back.
High Traffic Blogs – Blogging gurus often suggest that one way to get traffic is to leave comment on other blogs. I guess this is the reason why high traffic blogs tend to have plenty of comments. Some of the readers are of course genuinely concerned about the author and their posts. But there would probably be still some who leaves comment in the hope that some of the traffic would go to their own blogs because of this.
Posted by
7:58 PM
MyBlogLog Widget = Lower Ad Click Thru Rate?
I've installed MyBlogLog widget on some of my blogs for quite some time now. I've noticed that some of my visitors are getting curious about the faces appearing on the widget and they would click them.
I wonder if anyone is experiencing a lower click thru rate on their ad campaign because of this.
Posted by
7:32 AM
How to Tell If a Blogger has just Learned SEO
Q: How can you tell if a blogger has just Learned SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
A: If you are reading his post and he is writing in plain english but you can't understand what he is trying to say. :)
Posted by
3:37 AM
Web Publisher's Goal
Search Engine's goal is to know what customers need and help them find it.
Our goal as web publisher is to find out what customers are looking for and give it to them.
Posted by
1:16 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
The Fact about Google’s Sandbox
I’ve researching about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) thoroughly these past days. Eventually I stumbled upon an article published by seo-gold.com.
“In our experience what we are seeing here is a delay in ranking from links and a kind of trusted status when a domain reaches a certain stage, it’s like a PRX link to a non-trusted site isn’t resulting in a quick benefit like you would have seen a couple of years ago. Now it takes 6 or more months for a new link to transfer significant benefit and longer for full benefit. We’ve speculated this is to thwart the text link sellers, a webmaster purchases a bunch of links and sees their home page PR jump, but three months in no significant traffic increase to warrant the cost. Hold on 6 months and see some benefit from the links and the longer you keep the links better it gets. The problem is how many webmasters are going to hold on those 6+ months with no guarantied ROI!”
They are saying that it make take atleast six months before we see actual benefit from the efforts we put into our blogs.
Yaiks! And I have been flickering from one blog to another like there was no tomorrow.
So what do we do while our new blog is in the sandbox.
“So what can a webmaster do about a sandboxed web site? Quite a bit, they can treat the site as though it’s not sandboxed working on link campaigns, optimizing content, adding new content etc… since eventually if you add enough stable links and are patient your site will leave the sandbox.”
It means we have to give a blog atleast six months before we can judge whether it is successful or not. Or we could aim for Yahoo or MSN for the meantime since their search engines seem to have a looser aging requirement.
You can check SEO Golds SEO Tutorial for more information.
Posted by
11:15 PM