Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Blogging Success Stories

We all like to read success stories for two reasons. One so that we will be inspired with our own effort. Our thinking goes something like - If they can do it, so can I.

Second, to steal ideas or get a glimpse of how the successful ones do it.

He is a slide show of the current top bloggers on the internet.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Adobe versus Microsoft - Round 2

I was browsing through Cflex.net today trying to sharpen my Adobe Flex skills. And then I came across an interesting link so I followed it.

And guess who I find. The same guys I blogged about at my I Love the Blogosphere post.

They are still at it and this time they have continued their fight on another guy's blog.

Wow. The blogosphere is simply amazing. I wouldn't trade it for a tv. :)